Virginia Forest Service Allows Mountain Valley Pipeline to Move Ahead Uncategorized

By Pat Thomas | January 11, 2021

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ/USDA Release) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released its decision updating an environmental analysis that allows the construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline on 3.5 miles of the Jefferson National Forest.

The USDA Forest Service issued a final Record of Decision that amends the Jefferson National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) to allow the Mountain Valley Pipeline project to move forward.

The report, according to USDA, “redeems the Forest Service’s commitment to ensure the pipeline minimizes impacts and meets standards for sustainability and conservation of natural resources on the national forests.”

Click here to read the fill Record of Decision.

The Record of Decision modifies certain standards in the Forest Plan to accommodate the pipeline construction and requires measures to minimize environmental impacts, according to the USDA. The Forest Service will also provide a letter of concurrence for the MVP Project to the Bureau of Land Management.

Find the remainder of this story here. 

Pipeline image courtesy of WBDJ

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